
  • What is it like, being the first generation to go to university? We are talking about this topic with various UM students. Joy Osadebawem Daniel from Luxembourg is one of them. Her parents, originally from Nigeria, didn’t always have an easy time after arriving in Luxembourg. But they taught Joy an...

  • Manon’s academic path led her to work on prevention and well-being at the workplace. A place where we spend most of our time. The master’s programme Occupational Health and Sustainable Work (OHSW) uncovered the interventions that companies and policymakers need to keep work sustainable. Her job as a...

  • After over 23 years of ‘Prof. Nanne de Vries at UM’, our university community gathered at the beginning of November for his farewell lecture. During the lecture, what we already knew was confirmed yet again: with De Vries’ departure, we are saying farewell to an exceptionally intelligent...

  • judith sluimer

    Fresh air

    Vascular biologist Judith Sluimer was appointed professor of cardiovascular pathophysiology in October 2020. In her inaugural lecture, she alluded both to the importance of oxygen in the functioning of the heart and blood vessels as well as to the ‘fresh air’ she believes academia is always in need...

  • Caroline Bouvier wanted to be an illustrator, but ended up in chemistry. She managed to combine both of her passions in her research - creating molecular fingerprints of some of the world’s most valued paintings, including old master art from 15th to 17th centuries. As of October, Caroline is one of...

  • Another great performance by our students at  Maastricht University Faculty of Law, finishing second in the IBA ICC Moot Court at the International Criminal Court in The Hague 2023. Many congratulations to the entire team, to Maraya being awarded best speaker and to coach Craig Eggett.

  • 27 September 2023, Brussels | “The green transition in mobility is going well, but it could be a lot better. Until 2040 and 2050, the infrastructure we need to build, will be impossible to achieve on an individual level.” With this conclusion, Turi Fiorito director of the European Federation of...

  • For 40 years already, Annemie Mordant has been convinced that academic and support staff are stronger together. Until her retirement, as the head of MEMIC (the centre for research data management), she dedicated herself to optimally facilitating collaboration between academic and support staff. “We...

  • UMagazine

    Studying on the plane

    Maastricht University alum and orthopaedic surgeon Yuhan Tan studied medicine while competing in badminton at the highest level. Juggling student life and competitive sport was challenging, but doable. He received support from the university in the form of acquired skills, accessible lecturers and...