Eefje Peters (E.e.f.j.e.)

The FHML Marketing & Communication department fulfills strategic advisory functions and acts as a bridge between M&C UM Central, Faculty Board, Schools/institutes and internal/external partners. Main focus:
● contribute to the growth of new bachelor and master students and strengthen the positioning of the education of the FHML;
● advise and support in the positioning of the research schools and institutes;
● improving internal communication through line communication and improving support communication means;
● positioning FHML in the field of lifestyle and living environment (prevention);
● increase knowledge and experience in the field of social media, online marketing, storytelling and content creation;
● more focus on science/research communication leading to a stronger profile of research and individual researchers;
● communication about FHML vision, strategy and the administrative portfolios;
● cooperation with the Communications staff of Maastricht UMC+ in the field of branding, internal communication, science communication and external communication (including media exposure);
● cooperation with M&C UM in the field of reputation and issue management of specific subjects;
● professionalizing the M&C department.