Cameron Browne (C.B.)
Research projects
2018-23: ERC Consolidator Grant, The Digital Ludeme Project (LUDEME/771292), Maastricht Univeristy, PI, 5 years, €2m.
2014-7: Vice Chancellor's Senior Research Fellowship, Games Without Frontiers, QUT, Brisbane, 3yrs.
2010-4: EPSRC grant, UCT for Games and Beyond (EP/I001964), Imperial College, London, £546,000.
2009: TSB grant, Board Game Generation for the iPhone (AK318J), Imperial College, London, £15,000.
2009: Flexibility Funding, Automated Mathematical Modelling for Casual Game Design, Univ. of Edinburgh, £12,000.
Recent publications
Other publications
A Survey of Monte Carlo Tree Search Methods:
Evolutionary Game Design:
Connection Games: Variations on a Theme: