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  • “Change humanity’s relationship with the planet.'' Words of the President of Kenya, William Kipchirchir Samoei Arap Ruto, during the opening meeting of the third session of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee.

    Midway the negotiations on a Global Plastics Treaty, the third round of...

  • Only a short drive from Maastricht, border stones still mark the borders of Neutral Moresnet, a small condominium that was the result of a very peculiar round of border negotiations and for over a hundred years was a tax haven, a gambling paradise and a would-be Esperanto state.

    in Law
  • Throughout the EU, the rights of asylum seekers come under pressure. Overdue policy changes remain stuck in negotiations because of lacking political will. It is up to the European Commission to step up and protect the fundamental rights of asylum seekers.

    in Law
  • Unrest still reigns in Venezuela and a major question remains unanswered: who is the President at the moment, Maduro or Guaidó? Despite the political aspirations of Guaidó and recognitions to that effect by several States, this blogpost will determine that, legally speaking, Maduro is still the...