Psychosis and Neurodevelopment

Research theme: Monitoring 
Clinical pillar: Psychosis and Neurodevelopment

Development and application of methods for the measurement and treatment of psychosis/schizophrenia and for uncovering its origins and sequelae.

Unique contributions and highlights

Various projects involving the experience sampling method (ESM) (e.g., detection of clinical changes during antipsychotic dose reduction; development of symptom networks), interventions (e.g., cognitive behavioural therapy, mindfulness-based interventions), gene-environment associations (e.g., GROUP, EUGEI), development of measurement/treatment technology (e.g., PsyMate, resilience app) and personalized medicine (e.g., N=1 studies). Highlights of our work include novel insights in the 22q11.2 deletion syndrome, a unique genetic model with high risk for mental disorders and established worldwide collaborations in this field.