Completed research

Before 2008

The main goal of the WOTRO-CAMERA project was to assess how changing environmental and socio-economic factors have an impact on the risk of vector-borne diseases.

This research project, funded by the European Commission (2001-2003) answered questions regarding how communities and individuals could adapt to health impacts of climate change.

The “Cohesie model” provides insights in the behaviour of stakeholders involved in the building processes of urban restructuring programs. The model identifies possible pitfalls in an early stage and therefore stimulates a more progressive building process

Dealing with uncertainty project
In 1998 MSI together with RIVM started an ongoing learning process on dealing with uncertainties in a systematic way.

EPN (European Phenology Network)
EPN aimed to improve monitoring, assessment and prediction of climate-induced phenological changes and their effects in Europe.

The FIRMA project aimed to improve water resource planning by developing and applying agent-based modelling to integrate physical, hydrological, social and economic aspects of water resource management.

Globalisation, Environmental Change and Public Health
‘Globalisation, Environmental Change and Public Health’ was a collaborative project with the Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency (MNP). This project studied the health changes in a globalising world.

Goliath was an in-depth study of global tourism (GOLIATH = Global tO Local Integrated Assessment of Tourism and Hospitality).

The HarmoniCOP project (2002 -2005) aims to increase the understanding of participatory river basin management planning (RBMP) in Europe

Hot4 assesses the risks of climate change in the Netherlands. The project builds on previous projects results and aims to revisit and improve the quality and robustness of the assessment.

The INSURE project is an EU-funded project aimed at devising a flexible framework for indicators for sustainability in regions using system dynamics modelling. INSURE Dutch papers INSURE guidelinesINSURE case studies INSURE other

This project analysed flood reduction and mitigation strategies in water management of the Rhine and Meuse.

MEDACTION was a multidisciplinary research project focussing on finding solutions to the problem of desertification in the Mediterranean region.

New methods for sustainable urban and neighbourhood planning project
In the context of the National Initiative for Sustainable Development (in Dutch: NIDO) ICIS has explored new integrative methods for sustainable urban development and neighbourhood revitalisation.

From January 2000 MSI has been involved as advisor in the developing process of the National Environmental Policy Plan 4 (NMP4).

OCCUR (Ozone and Climate Change interaction effects for Ultraviolet radiation and Risks)
This project summarises the present knowledge on the climate-ozone interaction, the past and present UV-climate in Europe and dose-effect relationships for health and aquatic effects.

Commissioned by the Dutch Ministry for Agriculture, Nature Conservation and Fisheries (LNV), the OEEI-evaluation project was aimed at evaluating and discussing the new OEEI guideline for assessing the economic impacts of projects concerning the infrastructure.

Parkstad Limburg region 2030 project
In this project, a vision for the Parkstad Limburg region (situated in the south of the Netherlands) for the year 2030 was developed.

This project assisted the Province of Limburg to develop an integrated long-term vision on the future of Limburg.

Sustainability A-Test
This project reviewed existing tool and methods that are needed to support strategy development, ex-ante sustainability impact assessments as well as policy reviews.

The river Meuse and uncertainty management
In this project, uncertainties were identified with regard to future developments in the area of the river Meuse.

With other GEO collaborating centres, MSI was involved in the development of the scenarios of the third Global Environmental Outlook.

VISIONS is an Integrated Assessment project, developing scenarios for the European region.



For more information about these (and other) completed projects, contact MSI office