Maastricht University Office

06 Jun

Are you a UM staff member? And do you want to make your teaching, research and working environment more inclusive for LGBTQIA+ people, but don't know where to start? This training is for you. 

visual identity keti koti table purple
01 Oct
  • culture
  • Highlight

Keti Koti Dialogue Table

A facilitated dialogue on Diversity Day!

During the Keti Koti Table experiences and ideas about sensitive and personal topics are shared. Although the history of slavery and its aftermath are its occasion, its aim is explicitly not to have a conversation about historical and political subjects, on the contrary. As such topics very often give rise to heated and polarizing debates, our facilitated dialogue aims to share with each other a variety of personal experiences and insights.


Two consortia led by CAPHRI researchers Dr. Rowan Smeets and Prof. Dr.

MBA Graduation

We are proud to announce that SBE further improved its ranking in the recently published 2023 CEO


Ann Vanstraelen (professor of accounting and assurance services) was named today as a new member of the Ro

Maastricht University Office

Maastricht University Office


In 2022 Mundo implemented a project in which nine members of staff of Amodefa and Lambda, two Mozambican NGOs active in the field of sexu


On 16 November 2022 Universidade Eduardo Mondlane (UEM) in Maputo, Mozambique presented a new master programme: Sciences of Nutrition.

museumnacht vrijwilligers

Match Maastricht is official partner of Museumnacht Maastricht.