Paradoxical discovery in chronic pain research (MUMC+ news)
Scientists at Maastricht University/Maastricht UMC+ have discovered that the human muscle metabolism follows a day-night rhythm.
The Assessment of Burden of COPD (ABC) tool realizes better quality of life for COPD patients (MUMC+ news).
For the first time in the Netherlands, Maastricht UMC+ has introduced two new minimally invasive techniques to repair leaking heart valves (MUMC+ News).
De staf van het Maastrichtse MI zal dit najaar voor de tweede keer de mastercursus Comparative Government verzorgen aan de rechtenfaculteit van de universiteit van Luzern. Deze samenwerking bevalt beide partijen uitstekend en geeft ons kans om onze expertise op het vergelijkende staatsrecht te delen met een grotere groep (internationale) studenten. De docenten die in Luzern zullen doceren zijn Aalt Willem Heringa, Sascha Hardt en Thu Hoai Nguyen.
– How can child healthcare professionals help prevent young children (0-4 years) from becoming overweight? Which problems do they encounter in this field and how can they improve healthcare? These were the key questions examined in the PhD research carried out by Eveliene Dera-de Bie at Maastricht UMC+.
Moving your body with poor posture is taxing on your muscles and joints. Here are some tips to improve your posture!
A study by Maastricht University has revealed that...
Andrea: Swimming went smoothly. During biking I had to be cautious because of the rain. The first two rounds of the mrathon I was okay, but during rounds three and four I had a hard time. Then, finally, the very last kilometers through the city centre, it was like I was growing wings, and all went well again.
Now I have to recover and then I am going to focuss on a new challenge! -
Maastricht University has been awarded a project to train 20 staff of the National Police of Rwanda in conducting forensic investigation.