
  • Students at our faculty are committed to making an impact on health, well-being and society. Among them is Angelica, a master’s student in Health Education and Promotion who is an expert by experience on the impact well-formulated advice can have on a person’s life.

  • Scientists at the Maastricht MultiModal Molecular Institute (M4I) have developed an ‘intelligent surgery knife’, or iKnife. The European subsidy programme Interreg Flanders-Netherlands has made more than two million euros available for the further development of this technology.

  • Living brains in a laboratory and research on internet freedom –two of the ten nominees for the Klokhuis Science Prize this year are UM scientists. And you can also vote!

  • Pieter Jelle Visser was appointed professor at Maastricht University in 2022. He is engaged in research on Alzheimer's disease: the underlying causes and the possibilities for therapy. Visser has always been intrigued by the brain. Researching Alzheimer's fascinates him, not least because much can...

  • Three research consortia recently received 3.1 million euros from the Dutch Research Council (NWO) and the Dutch Arthritis Society (ReumaNederland) for research into the early detection of osteoarthritis. Two of these three are Maastricht based projects. 

  • Researchers from Maastricht University and University Medical Centre Utrecht have shown that a ‘digital twin’ of 45 patients with heart failure can correctly predict the effectiveness of pacemaker treatment. A digital twin is a computer model that processes a variety of data from the clinic to...

  • The healthcare sector is facing limited resources. Without smart innovation, quality of care is at risk for all patient groups. Jessica Storm, an alumna of the master’s programme Healthcare Policy Innovation and Management, researched the cost-effectiveness of fall prevention for one of the largest...

  • The cause of young-onset dementia is often assumed to be genetic. Researchers from Maastricht University (UM) and the University of Exeter have now identified 15 factors associated with an increased risk of developing dementia at a young age, some of which people can influence themselves.

  • Students at our faculty are committed to making an impact on health, well-being and society. These are the inspirational stories about students who go above and beyond to reach their goals. Let’s meet Anna, a Greek first-year bachelor’s student who is taking on Biomedical Sciences and European...

  • Seven broad research consortia will receive a total of 35 million euros from the Dutch Research Council (NWO) to conduct research on technological innovations that provide answers to societal challenges. Lorenzo Moroni, professor of Biofabrication for Regenerative Medicine at Maastricht University...