Faculty MILE

Julian Ashwin

Assistant Professor 
 Macroeconomics, Health and Demographics, Natural Language Processing
Email:  julian.ashwin@maastrichtuniversity.nl
Personal Page: www.julianashwin.com 

Lex Borghans

Professor of Labor Economics and Social Policy
 Human Capital, Labour Economics, Economics of Education
Email: lex.borghans@maastrichtuniversity.nl
Personal Page: https://www.maastrichtuniversity.nl/l-borghans

Robin Cowan

Professor of Economics of Technical Change
 Economics of Networks, Economics of Knowledge, Technology, Innovation
Email: r.cowan@maastrichtuniversity.nl
Personal page: https://unu.edu/experts/cowan-robin.html#profile

Thomas Dohmen

Professor of Education and the Labour Market
The Nature of Economic Consequences of Preferences, Coginitiv and Non-Cognitive Skills, the Psychology of Incentives, Personnel Economics
Email: t.dohmen@maastrichtuniversity.nl
Personal page: https://www.iame.uni-bonn.de/people/thomas-dohmen

Bart Golsteyn

Professor of Human Capital and Social Economics
 Behavioral economics, economics of health and education
Email: b.golsteyn@maastrichtuniversity.nl
Personal Page: https://maastrichtuniversity.nl/b.golsteyn

Hans Heijke

Honorary Professor of Education and the Labour Market
Interests: educational and occupational labour markets, highter education, vocational education and training, work-related training and the labour market, competences, their acquisition in education and training and their role in the labour market, international migration of labour

Clemens Kool

Professor of Macroeconomics / International Monetary Economics
Interests: monetary theory and policy; international financial economics; european integration; banking
Email: c.kool@maastrichtuniversity.nl
Personal page: https://www.maastrichtuniversity.nl/c.kool

Steffen Künn

Associate Professor
 Applied Labor Economics, Evaluation of Labor Market Policy, Microeconometrics
Email: s.kuenn@maastrichtuniversity.nl
Personal Page: https://maastrichtuniversity.nl/s.kuenn

Lenard Lieb

Assistant Professor
 Empirical Macroeconomics, Time Series Analysis, Causal Identification in Macroeconometric models
Email: l.lieb@maastrichtuniversity.nl
Personal Page:  https://www.maastrichtuniversity.nl/lieb

Diogo Sampaio Lima

Assistant Professor
International Economics, Macroeconomics and Macro-Finance
Email: d.sampaiolima@maastrichtuniversity.nl
Personal page: https://sites.google.com/view/diogosampaiolima

Karsten Mau

Assistant Professor
International Trade, Evaluation of Globalization Effects and Trade Policy, Applied Micro- and Panel-econometrics
Email: k.mau@maastrichtuniversity.nl
Personal Page: https://maastrichtuniversity.nl/k.mau

Huub Meijers

Associate Professor of Economics
economics of technological change, information society
Email: huub.meijers@maastrichtuniversity.nl
Personal Page: https://maastrichtuniversity.nl/huub.meijers

Michail (Michalis) Moatsos

Assistant Professor in International Economics
Interests: Global, regional and national poverty measurement and implications for policy. Between and within countries (economic) inequality. Sustainable development goals (SDG). Wellbeing measurement. Global price datasets (commodities and services, particularly health and education services).
Email: michail.moatsos@maastrichtuniversity.nl
Personal Page: https://www.maastrichtuniversity.nl/m-moatsos

Joan Muysken

Professor emeritus of Economics
 wage formation, labour demand, matching problems, analysis of unemployment, migration and endogenous growth
Email: j.muysken@maastrichtuniversity.nl
Personal Page: https://www.maastrichtuniversity.nl/j.muysken

Giulia Piccillo

Assistant Professor of Economics
Interests: Macroeconomics, monetary economics, international finance
Email: g.piccillo@maastrichtuniversity.nl
Personal Page: https://www.maastrichtuniversity.nl/g.piccillo

Mark Sanders

Professor of International Economics
Economics of Innovation, Economics of Climate Change and Sustainability, Resilience
Email: m.sanders@maastrichtuniversity.nl
Personal Page: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Mark_Sanders

Trudie Schils

Professor of Economics of Education
 the use of tests in education; the role of social-emotional skills; identification and support for gifted students; differences in outcomes between groups of students
Email: t.schils@maastrichtuniversity.nl
Personal Page: http://www.trudieschils.nl/

Olaf Sleijpen

Professor of European Economic Policy
 European economic integration, European economic policy-making, central banking issues, financial markets and prudential supervision, pension fund economics
Email: o.sleijpen@maastrichtuniversity.nl
Personal Page: https://nl.linkedin.com/in/olafsleijpen

Kaj Thomsson

Director of Bachelor Programmes and Associate Professor of Economics
 Political Economy, Institutional Economics, Economic History, Development Economics, Applied Game Theory
Email: k.thomsson@maastrichtuniversity.nl
Personal Page:  https://www.maastrichtuniversity.nl/k.thomsson

Tania Treibich

Associate Professor
 Industrial dynamics, Agent-based models, Economics of banking
Email: t.treibich@maastrichtuniversity.nl
Personal Page: https://maastrichtuniversity.nl/t.treibich

Tom van Veen

Professor emeritus in Economics of International Education
 Social policy, unions, monetary economics, financial economics
Email: t.vanveen@maastrichtuniversity.nl
Personal Page: https://www.maastrichtuniversity.nl/t.vanveen