29 Jun

PhD conferral Mr Guayasén Marrero González, LL.M.

Supervisor: prof.dr. G.R. de Groot
Co-supervisors: dr. S. Carrera Núnez

“Civis Europaeus sum? Consequences with regard to Nationality Law and EU Citizenship status of the Independence of a Devolved Part of an EU member state”

Key words: EU citizenship, nationality, independence, Brexit

This thesis focuses on the study of the EU citizenship status and the laws governing nationality in the scenario of an eventual independence process within the EU. The link between the nationality of an EU Member State and citizenship of the Union is, as it stands now, unbreakable. However, certain rights associated to the residence in both the potential newly independent States and the EU Member States can be frozen as an interim solution.  Although in a different setting, the findings in this thesis are highly relevant for British citizens living in the EU post-“Brexit” and EU citizens residing in the United Kingdom post-“Brexit

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