
We believe that in a healthy research environment, researchers work as a team and different (sub)disciplines strengthen each other. At the Department of Finance at Maastricht University those disciplines include financial economics, real estate, behavioral finance, financial econometrics, banking and asset pricing. Many of our most successful research projects reflect our ability and eagerness to cross disciplines and tackle questions with a strong societal impact. 

Next to publishing our research, we share knowledge in a number of ways. We organize both a weekly internal and external seminar, organize conferences and workshops and host free webinars through the European Centre for Corporate Engagement (ECCE), our research institute. We harbor a lively PhD community, with strong PhD students from all over the world. 

The European Centre for Corporate Engagement (ECCE) 
ECCE ( is the world’s leading research institute on sustainable finance and responsible investing. The mission of ECCE is to develop, communicate, and promote a thought-provoking and innovative body of knowledge concerning sustainable business and finance, through high-quality research, teaching, training, international networking, conferences, and other conventional outlets. Its core purpose is to encourage an ongoing dialogue between all parties capable of contributing to sustainable development, including capital markets investors, financial analysts, corporate managers, consultants, academic institutes, governmental bodies, and NGOs.

Marketing-Finance Research Lab 
The Marketing-Finance Research Lab ( comprises a growing group of international researchers and educators in both marketing and finance. In the lab, we share and combine our scholarship and expertise to provide interdisciplinary research, education, and engagement with business leaders. Located in the heart of Europe in the city of Maastricht, our vision is to achieve leadership in academia as well as business. 

Pension Communication
The pension communication group ( is an interdisciplinary group of researchers with backgrounds in marketing, finance, and behavioral economics. Utilizing the strengths of this diversity, the group conducts research and engages with industry to generate evidence-based insights on how to improve pension communication practices. We believe a participant centric organization is the key to success. Our mission is to generate evidence-based insights to create innovative pension solutions that put participants central, enable them to understand their pensions and facilitate retirement planning.