04 Mar
UM alumni meeting

Virtual meet & greet with UM alumni on East Coast USA

On behalf of the Dutch universities, the Netherlands embassy in Washington DC and the Netherlands Innovation Network, we are happy to invite you to the NL alumni event ‘Virtual Toast on the East Coast’ on Thursday 4 March from 8 – 9.30 PM (EST).

Last month the Dutch universities and the Netherlands Consulate in San Francisco organized an event for alumni on the US West Coast. It was a success for all involved, so we are ready for more and now reach out to you - our alumni on the East Coast - to join us for inspiring presentations and a virtual toast with your fellow alumni!

We look forward to raising the glass with you to a new year and new opportunities ahead.
But before that, we have an interesting program for you which starts off with a word of welcome by the Dutch Ambassador to the US, André Haspels. We will continue with an inspiring keynote speech by Utrecht University alumnus, University Professor at University of Amsterdam and Director of the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, Robbert Dijkgraaf. During the breakout sessions following the keynote, you will be able to catch up on news and developments from your alma mater. Then it is time to raise the glass together followed by a digital ‘borrel’ to (re)connect with fellow alumni in smaller groups.

Our preliminary programme:

8.00 pm  Opening by Joe Laufer on behalf of all Dutch universities
8.05 pm  Welcome by André Haspels, Netherlands Ambassador to the US
8.15 pm  Keynote by Robbert Dijkgraaf, Utrecht University alumnus, University Professor at University of Amsterdam & Director IAS
8.30 pm  Q&A
8.40 pm  Updates from your alma mater (per university)
9.00 pm  Central toast
9.05 pm  Networking in small groups per region
9.30 pm  End event with the possibility for some extended networking

Alumni from the following universities will participate: Delft University of Technology, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Leiden University, Maastricht University, Nyenrode, Tilburg University, University of Amsterdam, University of Groningen, University of Twente, Utrecht University and Wageningen University & Research.

Capacity in our digital meeting room is limited, so please sign up ASAP but at the latest on Monday 1 March via alumni@maastrichtuniversity.nl. You will then receive the Zoom link on the day before the event.

We look forward to meeting you all on 4 March.

Kind regards,

Maastricht University
Alumni Office

Besides UM alumni, also alumni from the following universities will participate:
Delft University of Technology, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Leiden University, Nyenrode, Tilburg University, University of Groningen, University of Twente, Utrecht University and Wageningen University & Research.

Capacity in our digital meeting room is limited, so please sign up ASAP but at the latest on Monday 21 January via alumni@maastrichtuniversity.nl.

You will then receive the Zoom link on the day before the event.

We look forward to toasting to the New Year with you on 28 January. For now, we wish you a great start of 2021!

Kind regards,

Maastricht University

Alumni Office

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