23 Jan
16:00 - 18:00

UM Pride get-together - Maastricht University LGBT+ Network

UM Pride – Maastricht University LGBT+ Network is a platform for all lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer & allied staff members and students at the UM. It offers a safe, inclusive and supportive space, fostering a diverse community.

Why UM Pride?

  • To promote the visibility of LGBT+ staff and students, reducing vulnerability and providing positive role models;
  • To support staff and students struggling with LGBT+ related issues, e.g. coming out, discrimination, gender transition;
  • To promote staff and students’ mental, physical and sexual health;
  • To raise awareness about LGBT+ issues.

UM Pride is currently sponsored by UM (Diversity & Inclusivity) and the Faculty of Law (in line with its Strategic Programme 2018-2022).

Ideas, suggestions and questions are very welcome at: umpride@maastrichtuniversity.nl.

UM Pride is a bottom-up initiative, open to anyone within UM, irrespective of gender identity, sexual orientation, nationality, age, position or faculty.

First meeting

To get to know each other and to translate our ideas into concrete actions, we organised a first get-together on Wednesday 23 January, 16.00-18.00 at EDLAB 0.016 (St. Hubertuslaan 12, Building X, 6211 KD Maastricht).

The agenda of our meeting:

  • Get to know each other: who we are, our background, what we would like to do personally in the network (also in relation to skills, past experiences, etc.), what are we interested in, etc.
  • Brainstorming on UM Pride potential activities: what we would like to do as UM Pride, what are the needs we see, best practices from other universities/organisations, ideas....
  • First concrete activities: start to plan/thing about UM Pride 'official' launch/kickoff activities, visibility on social network, potential regular activities (e.g. rainbow coffee hours, collaboration with GGD...).

The agenda is open for any input/suggestions/comments. Anyone at UM is welcome to join the meeting. For organisational reasons, please RSVP to

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