
We offer the following education undergraduate and postgraduate programs for students and colleagues who wish to learn more on evidence-based legal decision making.

Master Legal Psychology

Master Forensic Psychology

CRI4025 Forensisch DNA en Criminalistiek

CRI4026 Forensic DNA and criminalistics

Forensische Geneeskunde

Intensive Forensic Neuro-Pathology Training (IFNPT), 3-day hands-on course

Kansberekeningen in Letselschade (FEP0102)

Verkeersongelukken en het risico op rug- en nekletsel (FEP0103)

Forensische statistiek en Bayesiaanse analyses (FEP0104)

PhD Forensic Epidemiology

SSC2050 Psychology and Law

This course focuses on applications of psychology to the legal system. It will provide students with insights and knowledge about typical themes within legal psychology. Such themes range from how reliable eyewitness testimonies in court are to whether criminals have a brain dysfunction making them permanently dangerous to society, to the role of experts in court. The role of psychologists within these themes is to ask questions that have a direct relevance to the legal arena and to conduct research to address these questions.