08 Mar
10:00 - 13:00

Women Researchers’ Festival

To celebrate International Women’s Day 2021, FEM and PINT OF SCIENCE are hosting the first ever Women Researchers’ Festival of Maastricht University!

The online Women Researchers’ Festival aims at promoting the innovative spirit of women researchers of all faculties of UM and all ranks, and to foster possible collaborations amongst them. Get to know what other women are researching in other faculties.

During the event, you will hear from 16 women researchers at UM, coming from all levels and faculties. Along the presentations, you will also be able to read poster presentations from other women researchers at UM and make even more connections! All presentations will be available after the event. 



Festival Programme

Session 1: 10.00 CET

Speaker Topic
Nicole Basaraba Storytelling – Studio Europa
Nathalie Vaes Gut-brain interactions
Janine Janssen Sacral neuromodulation in women
Dorit Biermann Health in action
Therese Grohnert Overcoming hierarchy barriers
Katerina Stankova Dynamic game theory
Weronika Gaska Matrix factorisation to explore cancer cells
Sangita Swapnasrita        Computational modelling of the kidney

Session 2: 12:00 CET

Speaker Topic
Simone Verhagen Personal wellbeing in a daily environment
Alix Thomson Mechanisms of brain stimulation
Anna Harris A sensory education
Keri Vos Theoretical particle physics
Andreea Grigoriu Abusive language on social media
Alexandra Emmendorfer (Ir)regularities in speech perception
Giuditta Perversi New materials for sustainable energy
Alica Rogelj Geodesic motion


Join the event

Tune in to the #PintOfScience NL Youtube Channel on 8 March at 10 am CET through the link

Follow the event live on Twitter using #FEMWRF21

Hear more about the event from our organisers!

Our board member, Dr. Christina Peristeridou, was interviewed by the German Meuse-Rhine Gazette along with our co-organisers Taichi Ochi, the director of Pint of Science Netherlands. They were interviewed about the event, women researchers in the Euregio Meuse-Rhine and the importance to keep choosing to challenge ourselves. Watch the interview!

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