04 Nov
20:00 - 22:00
Studium Generale | Talkshow

LET’S TALK about Stress and Burnout

LET’S TALK is a programme in which we not only give the floor to experts, but also challenge the audience to speak up and interact. In a lively and relaxed setting, we address issues of (student) life: relationships, career, love, health, stress, party life and engagement, etc. Have a drink, listen, talk and sharpen your thoughts and opinions.

Together with FHML Honours students, this time we explore the topic of stress and burnout. What is the difference between the two? Why is it that young people seem to have more stress and burnout symptoms? Our modern society is very hectic, everybody is working hard to keep going and we have grown accustomed to being continually online and reachable. There’s no time to lose or to stand still. How can we deal with the pressure and build up resilience?

This programme is part of the Wellbeing Week for students: a week full of (interactive) lectures, workshops, talks and other activities focusing on your wellbeing. More info: www.maastrichtuniversity.nl/wbm


Professor Angelique de Rijk, PhD, is professor in Work and Health, specializing in re-integration into work. She works at the Department of Social Medicine at FHML, Maastricht University. She did research on burnout in nurses and among medical students. She gives workshops on burnout prevention for sixth year medical students at FHML and for diverse other groups.

Jasmijn George, consciousness coach. With her 3-pillar method she help people who are stuck in their head and / or work to consciously feel. In six coaching sessions with her you will feel what you want, see who you are and take action to regain joy, purpose and control over your life. Because it all starts with feeling.

Filippo Om will graduate this year at University College Venlo with a Bachelor of Science degree in Liberal Arts & Sciences (focussing on health, psychology and nutrition). In his bachelor thesis he is combining his scientific knowledge and experience in yoga to create a holistic program for combatting stress to improve health and performance in work environments.He has been teaching yoga for about four years and went to India twice in order to learn yoga in the Himalayas and get his teacher certifications.

Professor Fred Zijlstra, professor of work and organizational psychology at Maastricht University. Head of Department Work & Social Psychology. Scientific director Centre of Expertise Inclusive Organisations. Member scientific board U-Center.

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