30 Jan
13:30 - 15:30

Lecture by Prof. José M. Peiro: Are happy workers more productive?

On 30 January (13.30-15.30hrs), Prof. José M. Peiro will be visiting Maastricht University to give a lecture: Are happy workers more productive? A closer look at the ‘Happy Productive Worker Hypothesis’. Do Human Resource practices matter?

Prof. Peiro works at the University of Valencia and is a former President of the Association of Applied Psychology (IAAP)

The lecture

For decades the ‘Happy-Productive Worker Thesis’ (HPWT) has entertained the assumption that happy workers are more productive than unhappy workers. However, generally there is only moderate empirical support for a positive relation between ‘well-being’ and ‘performance’, and in some cases, this relation is even non-existent. There are a number of reasons for this.

First, HPWT research has largely focused on hedonic constructs of well-being (e.g. job satisfaction), with little attention for eudemonic constructs. Second, a theoretical based definition and operationalization of performance is often missing. Third, research highlights primarily outcomes confirming happy-productive results and ignoring negative combinations such as unhappy-unproductive ones. Fourth, diversity in research design features prevents reaching conclusive results. Fifth, there are very few studies focussing on third and moderator variables that affect the relationship between well-being and performance. Human Resource Practices play a role here and considering these contributes to better understanding both the synergistic as well as antagonistic relationships of these two important constructs (well-being and performance).

International Joint Master of Research in Work and Organizational Psychology

FPN is also proud to be partners with Prof. Peiro and the University of Valencia (and Leuphana University) for our newest master's programma: the International Joint Master of Research in Work and Organizational Psychology.

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