09 Dec

Growing Up in Science – with Prof. dr. Martin Paul

Did you ever wonder about the real stories of your colleagues? Behind every success you can read on a CV, are the numerous failed attempts, challenges and lessons learned. And then there are also all the successes that no one ever hears about. 

CvB - Martin Paul

Martin Paul 

Our guest for this session is our former UM president prof. dr. Martin Paul. He is currently Rector at CEO Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany.


  • 15.45h: Welcome drink
  • 16h: The unofficial story of Prof. dr. Martin Paul
  • 16.40h: Q&A with the audience
  • 17h: after talk with drinks / nibbles 

Growing Up in Science


Growing Up in Science is a regular speaker series with academics who are willing to share their “real stories”. The Maastricht Young Academy believes that sharing these stories is important because as a community, we can listen to each other, support each other and, thereby, learn from each other!

You are invited!

 Find the global Growing Up in Science YouTube channel here.

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