Campus Venlo
Looking forward to the 2020-2021 academic year

Campus Venlo - Education during COVID-19

In light of the corona crisis, we would like to keep you updated on how we plan to shape education at Campus Venlo.

The newest updates will appear at the top. To make sure you can keep track, we have highlighted a few particularly important messages that you can directly view using the menu below.

Test location in Maastricht <a name="test-location"></a>

Everyone |  20 August 2020

As of Monday 17 August, the GGD Zuid Limburg offers students and employees who have arrived in Maastricht from a country or region with code orange or red the opportunity to have themselves tested for COVID-19. They can do this even if they have no complaints. A special test location has been set up in Maastricht. This new test location is also open to students and staff who exhibit complaints and therefore need to be tested.

How do I register for a test?

You can make an appointment for a test from Friday 14 August via the telephone number of the GGD Zuid-Limburg Corona Information Line: 088 880 50 05; Available 7 days a week from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. When registering for a test, state that you are a student or employee of Maastricht University, whether or not you have complaints, from which orange / red risk area you come, and when you have arrived in the Netherlands.

Where is the test location?

The test location is located in parking garage P-5 of the MECC. The entrance is at Paul-Henri Spaaklaan 9. You can go there by bike or on foot, not by car

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Register for Introduction Days <a name="register"></a>

Prospective students |  13 July 2020

You can now register for the Introduction Days, which will take place from Monday 24 – Friday 28 August. On the following websites, you can see the preliminary programme. The websites will be updated as soon as more information is available.

Please register before the 15th of August.

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Register for the Introduction Days 2020

<a name="oncampuseducation"></a>

On campus education

Everyone |  09 July 2020

We have an update regarding our education in period 1 and 2. Not only tutorials but also skills will take place on campus! If you are not able to come to campus due to COVID-19 please let us know, supported by a brief explanation via mail.

Please note: Due to the COVID-19 situation, we unfortunately have limited study spaces available on our campus and thus, not all students can be facilitated on our campus at the same time. When you have tutorials or skills, we welcome you on campus. On the days you have no education, please study elsewhere unless you have limited access to internet facilities.

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<a name="dos"></a>

2020-2021 Looking forward to 2020-2021

Everyone | 23 June 2020

In light of the corona crisis, we would like to keep you updated on how we plan to shape education at Maastricht University (UM) University College Venlo (UCV). The first semester of 2020-2021, is going to be a mix of in person and online education for students who are in Venlo. Some students will initially join us exclusively online, and come to Venlo once they are able to. The specifics - for instance how many hours you can expect on campus - will become clear in the coming weeks. We'll keep you posted via this blog.

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Alie de Boer

Alie de Boer
Assistant professor, Campus Venlo

Corona-proofing Campus Venlo

Although education last took place at our Campus Venlo building in March, I've been on site almost every day. There's a few reasons for that: construction work on various areas never stopped (more about that later) and we're also working on implementing and testing the necessary health measures.

So far, we have figured out and indicated the maximum room capacities, outfitted every entrance with hand sanitizer, figured out seating plans, assigned walking directions in hallways, opened up unidirectional staircases and more - all to ensure we comply with the latest rules and regulations. You can see some pictures of our progress at the bottom of this page. Although no one knows exactly which measures will apply in September, we will continue to ensure that our building stays up to date and safe.

Rogier Gerardu

Rogier Gerardu
Project Manager Campus Venlo

<a name="intro"></a>

Save the date: Introduction Days

Prospective students | 23 June 2020

The Introduction Days on our campus will take place from Monday 24 - Friday 28 August 2020.

We are currently in the process of changing the setup of our introduction days to make them corona proof. It’s very likely that a big part of the activities will take place online. Despite this, we will make sure that you'll have the opportunity to get to know the university, the campus and your fellow students. By participating, you will have the best start to your new adventure! Make sure you join us.

For now, block in your agenda the following date(s):

  • University College Venlo 24 - 26 August
  • Health Food Innovation Management 27 August
  • Global Supply Chain Management and Change 28 August

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Introduction days