Prof Dr Peter J. Peters (J.P.J.)

Educational activities outside the Institute until 2014

Lecturing 8 hours / year Cell Biology at the medical faculty of the Free University Amsterdam, and 10 hours / year at the Technical University of Delft.


At the Institute

Since 1998, Peters has been dean of postdoctoral affairs and built a ‘postdoc career development organization’ that helps young scientists to make the right moves for their next career step by providing training in transferable skills and offering annual, 3 day retreats for 120 postdocs, with workshops on topics including: Laboratory Leadership in Science, Mentoring and Being Mentored, Time Management, Project Management, Data Management, Getting Funded, Getting Published and Increasing Your Visibility, Understanding Technology Transfer, Setting Up Collaborations, Teaching and Course Design, Obtaining and Negotiating a Faculty Position, Staffing Your Laboratory.


The NKI-AVL ranked over the last years among the top 10 as the best place to work as a postdoc outside the USA (the Scientist).


Dean postdoc career development at the NKI-AVL. After 7 successful retreats that attracted hundreds of postdocs nationwide this initiative was professionalized by Lilian Menu. With the help of Peters she created the Postdoc Career Development Initiative ( PCDI organises Postdoc Retreats that are open to all postdocs and final year PhDs in the life sciences, health and medicine and another one for Science, Technologies, Engineering and Mathematics.


This initiative should also benefit Maastricht University last year PhD’s graduates and postdocs. The work received attention in: Cell. 2006;125(3):407 Aschwanden C. Learning to lead; Cell. 2006;124(3):445 Aschwanden C., Professionalizing the postdoctoral experience; The Scientist 2008; 22 (3): 53, The best places to work as postdoc; and Nature 2007;445: 948 Griekspoor A., Torn between two ladders.



Intiator and coordinator of a Dutch Roadmap Large Research Infrastructure Plan (18 million Euro). Selected and placed on the roadmap in October 2008. Building erected and opened October 2011. For more information see the Netherlands Centre for Electron Nanosocpy



Invited lectures

Invited lectures at Yale, Harvard, UCSF, Notre Dame, NIH, Albert Einstein, University of Zurich, Basel, London, Edinburgh, Oxford, Madrid, Barcelona, Paris, Toulouse, Berlin, Munich, Jena, Aachen, Hamburg, Turku, Prague, Pamplona, Liege, Antwerp, Oslo, Stockholm, Linkoping, Jerusalem, Haifa, Taipei, Osaka, Durban, and Moscow.

Invited speaker at the TB keystone meeting Vancouver December, 2010

Symposium chair at the international microscopy congress in Rio de Janairo 2011.

International scientific advisory board and symposium chair at the international microscopy congress in Prague 2014.