Hacking with impact

Do you have an innovative idea or wish about healthcare? Or do you want to contribute to a solution or prototype? Then join us at Dutch Hacking Health Maastricht!

From Friday April 20th until Sunday April 22nd we are organising the Maastricht version of the ‘health hackaton’. In a creative pressure cooker you will be working on an innovative and digital ‘healthcare solution’ alongside with patients, healthcare professionals, entrepreneurs and programmers. The costs are € 50,- p.p. (€ 25,- for students), including meals and beverages.

Last year Maastricht UMC+ won the national prize with the idea ‘Hemiglass’: an idea from a caregiver which is now under development at ‘IDEE Maastricht University’ and ‘Brightlands innovation Factory’. You can join us at a pitch workshop, to present the best version of your idea on Wednesday 11 April from 17.30h until 18.30h.

Sign up at www.dutchhackinghealth.nl/maastricht.