Webinar: Get your PhD in 1 hour!

Are you a B.Sc. or M.Sc. student and wondering what’s your potentially headed degree? And are you interested in research and doing a PhD in a European project? The Innovative Training Networks (ITNs) might be a great opportunity for you then.

This free-of-charge 1-hour webinar arranged by Ph.D. Academy of Maastricht, scheduled on 25th of June 2020 at 16:00h will provide you information about European Commission’s Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions actions (MSCA) with a specific focus on ITNs. Three Ph.D. fellows (Matin Rostamitabar, Nikolas Rapp, Jana-Ch. Hegenbarth) located at the various institutions of the University of Maastricht will present their projects and their experience in Ph.D. life in their training networks within in an international consortium.

Any open questions that remain will then be addressed in a subsequent interactive Q&A session.

Registration is required. Please click here!