
After the success of the UM SPORTS 100 km challenge and by popular demand, we are starting the UM SPORTS 300 km bike challenge. We challenge you to cycle 300 km between 5 April and 3 May. The winner of the challenge is the one who has cycled the most kilometres after 4 weeks.

How to join:

  • Download the Strava app in the App Store or Google Play
  • Search fort he club ‘UM SPORTS 300km bike challenge’: com/clubs/umsportsbikechallenge and request membership
  • Register every bike ride with Strava (you can choose both ‘Ride’ and ‘E-bike Ride’), so also the short ride to the supermarket or perhaps work.

You can participate with any bike, whether it is an e-bike, a mountain bike, or an old, rusty bike. Every kilometre counts!

Win virtual leader’s jerseys

To make it a challenge for the experienced cyclists among us, you can win a number of virtual leader's jerseys:

  • The rainbow jersey: for the one who cycled the most kilometres in total (winner of the final classification)


  • The yellow jersey: for the one who has cycled the most kilometres in a given week
  • The polka dot jersey: for the one who cycled the most altitude metres in a given week


We will share the rankings every week on Strava and social media. At the end of the challenge, we will also announce the winners via our newsletter.

Besides that, we would love it if you could also share your experiences with us! You can do that in Strava or on social media by using #umsportsbikechallenge (and tagging us).

But above all

Have fun and just participate! Even if you normally cycle very little and 300 km seems far away, just see how far you get. Every time you use the bike instead of the car or public transport is already a success. By participating, you are already a winner to us.