Sustainable Employability Monitor - Where are we now?

In September and October, no less than 63% of the UM employees has filled in the Sustainable Employability Monitor. At this moment, the researchers are processing the results.

The first report is expected at the turn of the year. As soon as the report has been finalised, we will share this with the UM community through intranet and other channels.

For now, we can already report that three-quarters of the participants also filled in the personal questions, behind the ‘little door’. The high response leaves us confident about the representativeness of the collected data.

Not only through the survey, but also in an informal way information was collected. Posters were distributed throughout the buildings, asking two questions: ‘Why does UM (not) feel like home?’ and ‘Waarom kom jij (niet) fluitend naar je werk?’ (Why are you (not) whistling on your way to work?). This yielded answers – mostly positive – about the cooperation with colleagues and the atmosphere in the UM buildings. In two different buildings, people also suggested that it should be allowed to bring their pets to work, for the real domestic feeling.