YouRegion ZZP information and network meeting


Working in the Euroregion’s neighbouring countries sounds rather good. But what about the rules and procedures concerning entrepreneurship in these countries? They appear to be structuredly different from what we are used to in the Netherlands. In fact, if you are not prepared for this, it may turn out differently than expected.

Better informed means better business! So come to the second “youRegion ZZP knowledge and network event” of 2019 on 19 September hosted at the technical university (RWTH) in Aachen. The theme this time is: “Boundless entrepreneurship – the German version”.


Time Activity
14:30 Registration
15:00 Welcome and program outline

- Tillman Int-Veen | Unit Manager Health & Science Innoloft
- Peter Scholten | Erasmus Program

15:45 Interview pitch
16:15 Table talks
17:00 Conclusion
17:15 Network drinks
18:00 End

