20 Nov

POSTPONED | ITEM Annual Conference 2020 | Crisis in border regions

ITEM Annual Conference 2020 postponed!

Due to the corona developments and measures, we were unfortunately compelled to cancel the ITEM Annual Conference, which we announced earlier, on 20 November in the provincial hall of Middelburg. We have agreed with the Province of Zeeland that the annual conference will move to a more suitable moment in 2021. We hope that this will be next spring if circumstances permit. We will, of course, let you know as soon as a new date for the conference is determined.

ITEM Cross-Border Impact Assessment 2020 – publication and presentation

However, we did not want to wait that long to inform you of our research findings. In cooperation with several partners, we were pleased to present to you our annual Cross-Border Impact Assessment. For this purpose we organised two online workshops on 20 November and 4 December.

Workshop 1 – 20 November 2020 (English) | Programme | Presentations | Video

With three partners of the Transfrontier Euro-Institute Network (TEIN), we have investigated the effects of the coronavirus measures during the 1st wave of the pandemic on cross-border regions. On 20 November (original date of the Annual Conference), we were pleased to present these research findings to you and discuss the question of what we have learned or should learn from the 1st wave.

Workshop 2 – 4 December 2020 (Dutch) | Programme | Presentations | Video

In addition to the corona-related dossiers, our Cross-Border Impact 2020 contains the results of several studies on border effects that we carried out together with various partners. The following dossiers on cross-border effects were central to this:
-    COVID-19 impact analysis
-    Cross-border placement and training measures
-    German basic pension ("Grundrente")
-    Development of the Dutch Strategy on Spatial Planning and the Environment (NOVI) from a Euregional perspective
We concluded the workshop with a discussion on the future of the cross-border impact assessment: current developments and plans of ITEM and a debate on the results and ideas for the 2021 study. 

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The limitations, opportunities, and challenges facing cross-border cooperation

You are cordially invited to the 6th edition of our annual conference. In cooperation with the Province of Zeeland, we have put together an interesting programme in which you will learn all about the experiences of border regions and involved actors during the corona crisis.

The main question we are going to answer is: What can we learn about cooperation between authorities and crisis services during corona? Experts will share the perspective of different border regions and other actors involved.

With kind regards,

Institute for Transnational and Euregional cross border Cooperation and Mobility / ITEM
Province of Zeeland