21 Jun
09:30 - 17:30

MaCSBio Science Day 2023 | Creating optimal models: constraints and opportunities

It is our pleasure to invite you to our MaCSBio Science Day 2023. The theme of this year’s meeting is: Creating optimal models: constraints and opportunities.

Our programme contains exciting keynote lectures on the theme, Systems Biology master's students presenting their thesis work, MaCSBio staff presenting their latest research and poster sessions.


Time Session
09:30 Registration and coffee
10:00 Opening and welcome by Renaud Jolivet, Full Professor at MaCSBio, Maastricht University
10:10 Keynote 1 | Contextualization of Molecular Network Models and their Application to Cancer Biology
Thomas Sauter, Professor of Systems Biology and Study Director at the University of Luxembourg 
11:10 Highlight presentation 1 | Analyzing metabolic network functionality in health and disease
Marian Breuer, Assistant Professor at MaCSBio, Maastricht University
11:40 Coffee break
12:00 Systems Biology Master student presentations
  • Comprehensive genomic and transcriptomic characterization to elucidate the enigmatic biology of cancer of unknown primaryRosan Olsman
  • The effect of dietary patterns on infant microbiome development and maturationMichal Skawinksi
  • Modulation of neuronal excitability through changes in extracellular potassium shows cell-type specific differencesHannah Schultheiss
13:00 Lunch / poster session
Takes place at MaCSBio offices on the 3rd floor, North tower PHS1
14:30 Keynote 2 | How interpretable latent spaces can enhance data-driven systems biology
Rachel Cavill, Assistant Professor at the Department of Advanced Computing Sciences, Maastricht University

Highlight presentation 2 | Developing deep neural networks for machine hearing and understanding human auditory perception
Kiki van der Heijden, Assistant Professor at the Department of Artificial Intelligence, Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behavior

16:00 Closing by Renaud Jolivet, followed by drinks and networking sessions
17:30 End