A snapshot of the first BISCI event
The Brightlands Institute for Supply Chain Innovation had its first event at the Brightlands Greenport Campus hosting around 200 guests with exiting workshops around digital and sustainability.

Dr.Joost van den Akker, on behalf of the Province of Limburg was addressing the audience demonstrating how BISCI can contribute to the digital sustainable roadmap for the region. Top keynote speakers like Sean Culey on the digital disruption we are in and with an outlook towards 2050, Richard Oosterhoff sharing the tremendous progress DSM is making in safety, sustainability and digital in operations and Prof. Bernard Schols sharing digital development in succession law and making winks to life and the subject matter.
A memorable moment was the digital signing by TNO, Fontys and UM on the BISCI cooperation.
The Master students in supply chain management from the UM in Venlo participated as well and had their own special assignments in the workshops. One could experience the true Helix spirit. Multinationals, government, university staff and medium-sized companies up to start up united. All together passionate about sustainable digital supply chain innovation. The parties co-created ideas for their future in cooperation with BISCI. Several new leads and initiatives are the results of a memorable event. The event was closed with networking and drinks.
And as a city hall official said: “first BISCI was a name to me, now it is becoming a well-known institution”!