Workshop: Intellectual property - The Art of knowing your rights

On 1 May 2019, Ana Ramalho, Founder and Director of the Indie Art Legal Clinic​, will deliver an Intellectual Property workshop providing creative- professionals and graduates the must-have knowledge for the field. In collaboration with Fashionclash and The Artist and the Others.

Intellectual property (IP) refers to creations of the mind. It encompasses several types of rights, such as copyright, trademarks, patents and designs. Just like any other property right, intellectual property rights allow their owners to benefit and get income from creations such as paintings, sculptures, fashion items, logos, games, software, photos, and many more.

Despite its relevance for artists and designers, IP is not yet part of the educational curriculum of art academies. This workshop addresses this gap, since it is important to know your IP rights as soon as your career starts to develop, whether you are a student or a professional.

Language: EN
Fee: â‚¬10,- including drinks

Further information and registration

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