
  • Dr. Willemijn Jansen has won the Young outstanding researcher Award, the talentprize of Alzheimer Nederland.

    As a neuropsychologist she is fascinated by people with brain damage through Alzheimer but without complains. They seems protected by it. Within the Alzheimer Centrum Limburg of Maastricht...

  • If we were to replace plastic with paper or glass, would the environment benefit? Surprisingly, no, says professor of Circular Plastics Kim Ragaert. She is calling for an alternative approach aimed at increasing awareness of and knowledge about recycling.

  • Anne Roefs was awarded a Vici grant of €1.5 million. The professor of Psychology and Neuroscience of Abnormal Eating, was tossing up between a career as a scientist or a top chef.  

  • Late last year Matteo Bonetti, born and raised in Italy, successfully defended his PhD dissertation on factors that influence investment strategy.

  • Hildegard Schneider is set to say goodbye. As professor of European Migration Law and former dean of the Faculty of Law, her career coincided with the foundation and pioneering years of the law faculty. She herself made an important contribution to the profiling of Maastricht University as a...

  • PhD candidate Akudo McGee is studying the contestation of EU norms, particularly in Poland. An American citizen of Nigerian descent, she views the European project from an outsider’s perspective—with fascination and, increasingly, concern.

  • As of 1 March, Barbara Strating will be the new curator at Maastricht University. She succeeds Mieke Derickx who has retired. Barbara will further develop the collection and create new experiences with art, culture and science.

  • Once again, there was great interest in our online Bachelor Open Day, with attendance comparable to last year. Remarkable this time around: an unusually large number of Dutch visitors.

  • Freedom to experiment

    On 1 February, MERLN’s Scientific Director Pamela Habibović succeeds Rianne Letschert as rector of Maastricht University (UM). As she prepares to move to her new office, the professor of Inorganic Biomaterials talks about her engineering mind-set, how interdisciplinarity is crucial but far from easy...

  • The Ministry of Education, Culture and Science (OCW) has appointed Angelique Palmen as a member of the UM Supervisory Board for a period of four years.