MILE – On our way to a true education community

Over 40 years ago, Maastricht University Faculty of Law was the first law faculty to employ Problem-Based Learning as its underlying learning philosophy. The education of both bachelor and master students lies at the core of the Faculty.

Many discussions regarding legal education tend to revolve around the question of ‘what’ needs to be addressed in legal curricula, but does not touch upon the ‘how’ of education. The impact of Covid-19 forced us to adapt the way in which we taught our students. This development has brought the discussion about conducting ‘how’-education to the forefront.

In true PBL fashion, where learning happens in a collaborative setting, we have decided to launch MILE. The initiative facilitates the creation of a true education community to discuss the ‘how’ of legal education. MILE stands for Maastricht Insights in Innovation and Impact on Legal Education. It provides a platform to showcase and discuss innovations in legal education and functions as a source of inspiration – an incubator – for disseminating insights in legal education with a view of creating an impact on how legal education is conducted, also outside Maastricht.

Last spring, MILE was launched with a meeting on lessons learned regarding lectures during the pandemic. A second meeting focused on student well-being. This year, we will focus on the meaning of student evaluations, discuss assessments and assuring the CCCS principles in larger groups. We will also follow up on the subject of lectures with a second meeting.

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