Law PhD representatives – from PhDs, for PhDs

In the Spring of 2022, we, Anna, Constanta, Haiyang and Naz, were elected by the Faculty of Law as PhD representatives. As far as we are concerned, our role has two functions. It’s about giving a voice to the PHD community on the one hand and continuing to build that community on the other. Thus far, it has been an exciting experience!

Voice of the Law PhD Community 
We make the Law PhDs' voices heard in several ways. Anna is on the Science Committee board, which deals with various aspects affecting research. This includes, but is not limited to, policymaking, grant applications, and the selections of new PhD candidates. In short, nearly anything and everything that may impact the research-life of a PhD at our Faculty.

Constanta is part of the Central PhD Candidates Platform (CPCP). The CPCP ensures that PhD-related issues are discussed on an administrative level, provides the UM Executive Board with solicited and unsolicited advice, and shares best practices and other information to improve the situation of UM PhD candidates. In addition, we work with the Graduate School to raise issues concerning the Law PhD Community.

Moreover, to increase the visibility of our PhDs to the academic world, we are also maintaining various social media accounts, point our PhD towards things of special importance to them through special quick-mails, and about twice a year publish our own newsletter, the PhDeliverable. 

Enhancing Solidarity of the Law PhD Community
A PhD does not have to be a lonely journey. We perceive a supportive group of fellow PhDs as one of the most helpful things one may encounter in their journey. Therefore, we have a variety of activities in place for both new and experienced PhDs. 

At the beginning of the PhD journey, the "Buddy Programme'' links each new PhD with an experienced PhD to help them in the first few months. As part of the community building, board game-evenings, Christmas market visits followed by laser gaming, and a special tour of the Faculty - including a visit to the top of the Bouillonstraat tower were organised. 

These monthly special events came next to our bi-weekly coffee moment, which alternated between online and offline to enable as many PhDs as possible to join if they like. Moreover, in the Spring of 2023 the annual PhD writing camp took place once more, which groups PhDs for a productive writing and experience-sharing weekend in a farmhouse in Baexem, Limburg.
We look forward to hopefully continuing with this combination of ensuring serious concerns are raised and addressed, while organizing not-quite-so-serious events for relaxation and community building. Thanks again to Faculty and the Graduate School for making it possible to do this!

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