24 Jan
09:00 - 17:15
Law, Social Sciences and Data Science

Symposium Consumer and Data Privacy: The Digital Revolution of Legal, Social and Economic Interaction



The overarching theme of this international symposium will be to identify the boundaries for the ethical and legal integration and application of technology in society. More particularly, the event will be about how to ensure consumer protection and data privacy in a hyper connected world.

Two perspectives for this theme will be discussed in three separate sessions. The first session on whether these changing interactions reflect the values of a just, efficient and ethical society. The second session on the advantages offered to consumers by technological solutions. The final session will take the form of a roundtable discussion, in which experts’ views on how to conciliate both perspectives will be exchanged.
Parallely, in the Law&Tech showroom, students and researchers will present their ongoing, innovative projects with demonstrable impact in Consumer Law.

It is this crosstalk between contrasting perspectives, the emerging ‘’hybrid’’ discipline of Law & Technology, that can pave the way for innovative solutions to the successful formulation, regulation and application of laws in this technologically-disrupted world.
This event, which will bring together experts from data science, ethics, economics and law, has the support of the Maastricht Law and Tech Lab and ECPC and is financed by the University Fund Limburg (SWOL), the Maastricht University Faculty of Law as well as the Maastricht Working on Europe Research Agenda. 

Call for posters (call closed)

The symposium will hold a “Law&Tech showroom” providing an opportunity for selected students and researchers to present posters demonstrating and discussing their recent work related to consumer and data privacy both from a technological (“technology for law”) and legal (“law for technology”) perspective. The symposium will be attended by leading experts in consumer and data privacy, and will thus provide an opportunity for poster presenters to obtain high-quality feedback on their work, as well as making new contacts within the European consumer and data privacy research community.
The goal of the poster session is to foster collaboration and to build research ties with consumer and data privacy students and researchers across Europe.
More info by clicking here.


09:00-09:30       Registration with coffee in "Lenculenhal"

Welcome words by Marta Santos Silva (Maastricht University)


Keynote I:
“Privacy in the digital age: Citizens or consumers” by Sally Wyatt (UM)
Chair: Marta Santos Silva


Session I: The Challenges. What problems do emerging technologies bring for consumers and data privacy?
•Natali Helberger and Joanna Strycharz (University of Amsterdam),
•Cosimo Monda (Maastricht University),
•Alexandros Goniadis (European Commission)
Chair: Lisette Bongers

11.30-12:00      Discussion and Q&A
12.00-13.00   Lunch and Law&Tech showroom

Keynote II:
“Consumer protection through data ownership?” by Sjef van Erp (UM)
Chair: Gijs van Dijck


Session II: The Opportunities. Can Technology and data science address the challenges?
•Christof Koolen (FWO & KU Leuven),
•Mark Graus (Maastricht University),
•Günes Acar (KU Leuven)
Chair: Gijs van Dijck

14.45-15.15          Discussion and Q&A
15:15-15.30      Coffee break in "Lenculenhal"

Roundtable discussion: How can we marry the technological solutions and the challenges together?
•Michel Dumontier (Maastricht University),
•Rossana Ducato (Université Catholique de Louvain),
•Catalina Goanta (Maastricht University),
•David Townend (Maastricht University),
•Michael Veale (University College London)
Chair: Kody Moodley


Keynote III:
“Citizen empowerment through AI” by Hans-Wolfgang Micklitz (EUI)
Chair: Kody Moodley

17.15-17.30        Closing words

Dinner for speakers at restaurant Petit Bonheur

This event is financed by


The aim of Maastricht, Working on Europe is to position Maastricht as a meeting place for citizen dialogue and debate and establish a Centre of Excellence for research on Europe and European integration. In short: a workplace for a better Europe. For everyone.

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