10 Jun 11 Jun

ONLINE Symposium Contemporary Challenges and Alternatives to International Criminal Justice

The system of international criminal justice was established in response to gross human rights violations committed during World War II. Despite its development over the past seven decades, challenges and critiques remain unresolved or have subsequently emerged, particularly in the context of the International Criminal Court (ICC).  Key issues include amnesties, immunities, controversial acquittals, non-cooperation, interpretative fragmentation, and cultural clashes. Criticism emerged as a reaction to the perception of impunity and the system’s underachievement. It is important to reflect on the extent to which such challenges are inherent to the system and whether they can be overcome. What is the state of international criminal justice today? What impact have these challenges had on the system’s integrity, currency, and credibility? To what extent can we prevent or remedy them?

The 2021 symposium on contemporary challenges and alternatives to international criminal justice seeks to explore whether the current status of international criminal justice leads to the future society expects. This online symposium will be structured around four subthemes:
I) The status quo of international criminal justice;
II) General challenges to the system;
III) Differences between legal systems;
IV) The future of international criminal justice?

Register? Please send an email to sanne.debok@maastrichtuniversity.nl


Programme - ONLINE

The proposed programme is ideal. The organization committee reserves itself the right to change it, in order to adapt to the circumstances and measures imposed. 

Please download the programme here. 

Thursday, 10 June 2021
09:15 – 10:00. Opening Speech
10:00 – 10:30. Coffee break
11:00 – 12:00. Panel I
12:00 – 13:30. Lunch break
13:30 – 15:00. Panel II
15:00 – 17:00. Panel III

Friday, 11 June 2021
09:00 – 10:30. Panel IV
10:30 – 11:00. Coffee break
11:00 – 12:30. Panel V

Call for papers

Please download the full call for papers here.

PhD students, postdoctoral researchers, young academics, professionals are invited to submit an abstract (length: max. 300 words) on these and related questions. Abstracts must be in English and submitted by e-mail (ypc@youngpenalists.com) by March 9th, 2020, along with contact and affiliation information, and a short CV (max. 1 page).

The organization committee received a high number of abstracts in March 2020, however, due to the pandemic, the event had to be postponed. The organization committee took the decision to resume the Symposium preparation by giving, to the contributors who had submitted in March 2020 their abstracts, the opportunity to update them. The deadline for the resubmission is 18 December 2020.
Decisions on individual resubmissions and presentations are expected by February 2021.

Authors of accepted abstracts will be invited to present their work in one of the panel sessions. After presentations of 15 minutes each, a short discussion will follow.

Authors of accepted abstracts are furthermore invited to submit a written version of their presentation (length: 4.000–8.000 words including references), which, if meeting quality standards and submitted to the organizing committee by 10 August 2021, will be published on the International Review of Penal Law.

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