Young Universities for the Future of Europe 

The YUFE Alliance is based on the joint vision of ten young research-intensive universities and two non-academic partners located all across Europe. The YUFE partners came together based on their shared dedication to the European spirit, their common aim to contribute to a more competitive, innovative and united Europe and their ambition to help address today’s challenges.

  About YUFE 
  YUFE for students 
  YUFE for staff 
  YUFE for citizens

About YUFE

The YUFE Alliance is based on the joint vision of ten young research-intensive universities and three non-academic partners located all across Europe. The YUFE partners came together based on their shared dedication to the European spirit, their common aim to contribute to a more competitive, innovative and united Europe and their ambition to help address today’s challenges.

The cooperation within YUFE started from the YERUN network (Young European Research Universities Network) of which seven of YUFE’s academic institutions are part, which allowed them to already work together on several joint activities. Their wish to establish a European University was driven by their wish to increase employability and embedded mobility schemes for students and staff, foster inclusive higher education and invest in the active learning of European languages.

YUFE for staff

A seriously open office

Learn, travel and work across the YUFE Alliance, and enhance your career chances. Whether you are an academic or administrative staff member, you can create your own YUFE Career Track. Based on the YUFE Recruitment Policy and the YUFE Staff Development Policy, the alliance is fully committed to enhance your individual career path with unique opportunities, be it mobility, training or your step on to the next career level. We place a strong emphasis on diversity and inclusivity.

What opportunities will be available to you shortly:

  • Experience professional (virtual) mobility
  • Find new professional opportunities
  • Join the annual YUFE Academy to share and exchange knowledge 

  Click here to find out more about YUFE opportunities for staff

YUFE for citizens

A portal to Europe and Knowledge

Synergies for South Limburg: Imagine Maastricht University’s power to innovate and solve problems multiplied by eight. YUFE allows citizens to benefit from the expertise and experience from seven other regionally embedded European universities.

Maastricht University is a magnet for young talent from all over the world. We have changed the face of the city, which has become younger and even more international. We are one of the biggest employers in the region and make an important contribution to preserving Maastricht’s cultural heritage by managing its historical buildings. We make academic knowledge available and valuable for society. We generate new knowledge, we teach students, and facilitate ventures that make our region stronger - like the Brightlands Maastricht Health Campus, where UM experts work with the private and public sector to solve societal problems.


More news items
  • Daniela Trani

    YUFE – the making of

    In 2019, Young Universities for the Future of Europe (YUFE), a UM-led alliance, was judged the most promising answer to the European Commission’s call to develop and implement the first model for a European University. YUFE Director Daniela Trani on why and how she wants to change European higher...

  • UM is the coordinator of the Young Universities for the Future of Europe (YUFE) alliance, a major strategic partnership between ten young, research-intensive universities from as many European countries. The YUFE alliance, together with its four non-governmental and private sector partners, aims at...