
  • 12 Jun 13 Jun

    Recharacterising International Disputes: Exploring the Phenomenon of Multi-Fora Litigation

    The global landscape has seen an uptick in the utilization of international and regional courts, with a broader set of norms and circumstances now subject to adjudication. This pattern raises questions about the reasons behind such recharacterization, the appropriate methods for judicial bodies to...

  • 09 Nov
    09:30 - 15:00

    Master’s Open Day

    We hope to welcome you on campus at our next Master's Open Day and give you a good impression of what studying at Maastricht University is all about.

  • 05 Dec
    10:00 - 17:00

    Graduation Ceremonies Bachelors

    We are proud to hand the diploma's to our graduates on this festive day. 
    The graduates will receive an invitation from Law Events Office to register.