
  • 20 Jun 21 Jun

    Between narratives and reality: The EU at the gates of a new mandate

    We invite you to submit an abstract of a paper to present at the conference on the topic of " Between narratives and reality: The EU at the gates of a new mandate" which will be held at our Faculty of Law on 20 & 21 June 2024 in Maastricht.

  • 03 Jul
    10:00 - 19:00

    Public Procurement: A key tool to reach sustainability in Europe and beyond

    This conference aims to serve as a dynamic platform to discuss how public procurement can contribute to sustainable growth, responsible business conduct and respect for labour and human rights in production processes. 

  • 25 Sep 27 Sep

    The Right to Social Security: a new dawn!

    The Conference "The Right to Social Security: a new dawn!" brings together the MoveS seminar on EU Fundamental Rights for cross-border workers, Prof. Vonk's inaugural lecture, and the annual EISS conference on Contemporary Challenges for the Fundamental Right of Social Security.