Systems Toxicology
In the domain of systems toxicology we aim to improve our understanding of the molecular mechanisms of health and disease particularly linked to the exposure to chemical compounds.
- Theo de Kok - toxicogenomics, predictive toxicology, translational and cross omics integration, personalized prevention
- Complex Systems Framework for Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD); NWO Complexity in Health and Nutrtion
- Ontology-driven and artificial intelligence based repeated dose toxicity testing of chemicals for next generation risk assessment. EU horizon Europe funded
- Virtual Human Platform for safety assessment without the use of animals (VHP4safety); NWO – National Science Agenda
- Sustainable food systems (FOODSY); Seed grant UM: Call Seed Fund for Sustainability Research Spearheads
- Modelling the dynamics in time-series of toxicogenomics data; PhD project MaCSBio under the SYSTOPP project (SYStems biology approach TOwards targeted Personalized Prevention of chronic diseases).