
  • Placeholder

    Net pension scheme

    With effect from 1 January 2015 your pension build-up has been reduced. The consequence of this is that staff with a full-time annual income of over €100,000 will receive a lower pension when they retire, and the pension benefits payable on the death of an employee will also be reduced.

  • How should Limburg respond to the refugee situation and how do refugees fare in Limburg? These are the key questions that will be addressed during the Limburg Refugee Debate on 25 November 2015. 

  • he ‘UNESCO Science Report, Towards 2030’ has been launched in Paris on 10 November.  Professor Luc Soete, Rector Magnificus at Maastricht University is one of 35 authors of the report and lead author of the Executive Summery.

  • Christine van Basten-Boddin will be the new mayor of Beek. It is expected that she will succeed Ralf Krewinkel in the beginning of next year.

  • Several former Maastricht University students have won the UNESCO-Japan Prize for Education for Sustainable Development.

  • The Executive Board has appointed three people to fill the administrative and management vacancies at the Faculty of Humanities and Sciences.

  • Four new research projects have recently been granted to Joop de Jong. They concern the topics of cultural education in Limburg (two projects), the historical scale model of Maastricht and its surroundings around 1748, and Dutch Mobile heritage.

  • The national Reference Index for High-Risk Children (Verwijsindex Risicojongeren), an ICT system introduced in 2010 to identify high-risk children at an early stage and to facilitate collaboration between various support agencies, does not work as intended nor can practicing professionals apply it...

  • In the Keuzegids Hoger Onderwijs 2016 seven of the seventeen UM bachelor's programmes were ranked first and twelve UM programmes were ranked in the top three (like last year) in the Keuzegids Hoger Onderwijs 2016.

  • Irshad Manji, a well-known critic of traditional mainstream Islam and described by The New York Times as "Osama bin Laden's worst nightmare", will give the Tans Lecture, titled ‘Beyond Geert Wilders: Turning Polarisation into Constructive Conflict’. The lecture will take place on 10 November.