In 2018, European Studies alum Joost van den Akker became one of the regional ministers of Limburg, “the most international province of the Netherlands”. In his eyes, the university is a “European musketeer” whose pursuit of internationalisation and Europe is a winning model.
ITEM researcher Martin Unfried presented the research results of the North Sea Port project to the Belgian ambassador to the Netherlands, Mr Dirk Achten, on 17 April 2019.
Avila, G. T., The Caribbean Community Preferential Trade Agreement: Is there a legal obligation to create trade? (2019)
Contribute to our Queen of Hearts research
Globalisation is undeniable. People, goods and information are moving around the world at an increasing pace. But what about animals? Do they also cross national and continental borders and how does that work?
BISCI is happy to contribute to the ambitions expressed by the Netherlands infrastructure minister at a major logistics conference in Rotterdam.
The first symposium hosted by the Maastricht Centre for the Innovation of Classical Music (MCICM) was held in Maastricht on March 29 and 30. Throughout the two-day event, international experts from different fields discussed possibilities for classical music innovation.
Miriam Meissner (FASoS) is researching minimalism and post-growth.
A. Ramalho, Patentability of AI-Generated Inventions: Is a Reform of the Patent System Needed? (IIP, 2018)
C.A.M. Mulder, N. Blokhuis, Tactics for D : A methodology for EQE Paper D (Helze BV Publisher, 2018)