A group of diabetes researchers from Maastricht University organised a charity run for the Dutch Diabetes Fund together with primary school de Spiegel in Maastricht, which was held last week Thursday.
On September 24th the results of Elsevier Magazine's annual ‘Best Studies’ survey were published.
Pascal Breuls, who temporarily took over the directorship of the Student Services Centre (SSC) after the departure of Astrid Boeijen, has been appointed its director as of 1 November.
Professor Clemens van Blitterswijk has won the 2015 Huibregtsen Prize.
Universalis, the UCM study association, has been actively enriching UCM student life for 12,5 years!
The board of the Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences of Maastricht University has appointed Professor Maurice Zeegers as the new scientific director of CAPHRI, the School for Public Health and Primary Care of Maastricht University.
Like in previous years, Elsevier looked into all Dutch study programmes and established which ones are the best. Like last year, our bachelor programme Tax Law is in first place again!
People from all around the world have registered for Maastricht University’s first Massive Open Online Course (MOOC), which will start on 5 October.
UM Professor Harald Merckelbach has been awarded the ‘Nobel Prize for Psychology’. De Psycholoog, the journal of the Dutch Institute of Psychologists (NIP), created this unofficial award on the occasion of its fiftieth anniversary.