Frank Nijpels is working on the Vitrojet, a new device that prepares samples for a form of electron microscopy that received the 2017 Nobel Prize in Chemistry.
The project “Roadmap and factsheet for the recognition of qualifications for highly demanded professions” is aimed at creating two practical documents per highly demanded profession aimed at boosting cross-border mobility and employability by improving recognition. The project was submitted by the Province of Limburg (NL) as lead applicant and is carried out by the ITEM Expertise Centre.
Mickael Hiligsmann co-chaired three symposiums and was speaker at four symposiums during the World Congress of Osteoporosis (WCO-ESCEO-IOF) that was held in Paris between 3 and 6 April 2019.
The redevelopment of the former Tapijn barracks in Maastricht has officially begun. The starting shot was given on 1 April 2019.
In 28 March 2019, Maastricht University had the pleasure of welcoming Christian Klein, Operations Manager Process Management and Daniel Rausch, Business Developer from Zalando as jury members for determining the best marketing research project (MRP) as part of the Marketing & Supply Chain Management course.
Limburg is van een sulletje veranderd in een economische tijger, maar wel een die door gebrek aan personeel dreigt te verhongeren. Daarom moet het nog altijd grote Limburgse leger van niet-werkenden worden gemobiliseerd voor de arbeidsmarkt. De wetenschap helpt mee.
From 29th to 31st of March, the 14th Workshop on Costs and Assessment in Psychiatry themed “The Value of Mental Health Services” took place in Venice. Silvia Evers, Ruben Drost, Luca Janssen and Irina Pokhilenko represented Maastricht University.
PhD thesis written by Sebastián Espinosa Velasco.
The little relevance of a developing country such as Ecuador in the geopolitical arena contrasts with its high exposure to investment disputes and its unprecedented proposals to react to the foreign investment protection regime. -
Dutch public broadcaster BNNVARA and production company CCCP have expressed regret over the impact of an edition of television programme Rambam which featured two Maastricht University professors. They acknowledge that the way the programme was edited may have created the impression that the professors could be “manipulated by industry”, according a statement issued by BNNVARA today.