BISCI is happy to contribute to the ambitions expressed by the Netherlands infrastructure minister at a major logistics conference in Rotterdam.
The first symposium hosted by the Maastricht Centre for the Innovation of Classical Music (MCICM) was held in Maastricht on March 29 and 30. Throughout the two-day event, international experts from different fields discussed possibilities for classical music innovation.
Miriam Meissner (FASoS) is researching minimalism and post-growth.
A. Ramalho, Patentability of AI-Generated Inventions: Is a Reform of the Patent System Needed? (IIP, 2018)
C.A.M. Mulder, N. Blokhuis, Tactics for D : A methodology for EQE Paper D (Helze BV Publisher, 2018)
At the end of March and the beginning of April, the media again published some disturbing reports about the planned changes to the unemployment schemes in the European regulation on social security and the possible misuse of Dutch benefits by foreign workers.
In this report, we briefly set out the facts regarding the unemployment proposals. What changes are on the European table? What determines Dutch unemployment legislation? Are the headlines right and do the (Dutch) politicians tell the whole story?
C.A.M. Mulder, A Self-Study Guide for the Pre-Examination of the EQE : Part I: The Legal Questions (Helze BV Publisher, 2018)
C.A.M. Mulder, The Cross‐Referenced Patent Cooperation Treaty (Helze BV Publisher, 2018)
C.A.M. Mulder, Inagural lecture - The patent deadlock : The never-ending story of patent harmonisation (Helze BV Publisher, 2018)
The commission that rules over the grant distribution states that “the proposed project has the goal to systematically enhance global citizenship and social engagement”. They also say that they are convinced of the knowledge and skills of the applicant and his diverse project team. €1.500.000 euro has been divided between 6 applicants, of which Fonteijn is one.