Student Radio Maastricht (SRM) is a platform that facilitates students who want to produce audio podcasts. Soon, they will get their first hour of traditional airtime on RTV, Maastricht’s local radio station.
Christoph Rausch will present his paper "Better than Gold? Art in Storage Spaces of the 21st Century" in the lecture series of the Institute of Art History and Historical Urban Studies at TU Berlin.
On Friday 26 April Ernst Homburg will hold his valedictory lecture entitled: “Verhalen van de Oude Berg: wetenschap, techniek, industrie en politiek in de Euregio”.
Students for a good cause
The MACCH/NACCA conference was reviewed by the German Verband der Restauratoren: "Bridging the Gap – Forschungsprojekte als Brücke zur interdisziplinären Zusammenarbeit?"
>> Read the article (German only)
Theresa Thoma-Lürken, postdoctoral researcher within the research line Ageing and Long-Term Care, was awarded the UM Valorisation Prize 2019 for the quality of her valorisation chapter in her dissertation.
PhD thesis written by Benedicta Deogratias.
Marital captivity describes a situation in which one or both spouses are unable to dissolve their marriage due to religious reasons. The consequence is that they are essentially forced to remain married. The aim of this research was to contribute to the ongoing efforts of finding effective solutions by investigating how human rights law can contribute to addressing marital captivity. -
Theresa Thoma-Lürken heeft tijdens het jaarlijkse Maastricht University Dinner de Valorisatieprijs ontvangen voor haar proefschrift ‘Innovating Long-Term Care for Older People’. Dr. Thoma heeft onderzoek gedaan naar innovaties in de ouderenzorg en specifiek een besluitvormingsondersteunende app ontwikkeld voor wijkverpleegkundigen en casemanagers.
As of 1 March 2019, Prof. Britta Böhler has been appointed Professor of Legal Professions & Ethics. The chair is part of the Department of Foundations and Methods of Law. The establishment of this chair is in line with the faculty’s policy to further strengthen the range of skills of our graduates by systematically focusing on the increasingly important ethical aspects of professional practice by gownsmen.
Frank Nijpels is working on the Vitrojet, a new device that prepares samples for a form of electron microscopy that received the 2017 Nobel Prize in Chemistry.