UMIO’s MaastrichtMBA ranks 13th globally according to CEO Magazine’s Global Executive MBA Ranking 2019.
Ensure that education in Mozambique can continue.
PhD candidate Carlos Andrés García Velásquez, researcher at the Aachen-Maastricht Institute for Biobased Materials (AMIBM) is selected to attend the 2019 YSSP.
METRO is proud to present the book 'Smart Mixes for Transboundary Environmental Harm', edited by Michael Faure and Niels Philipsen, together with André Nollkaemper (University of Amsterdam) and Judith van Erp (Utrecht University).
In the EU, the mobility of many professionals is governed by the Professional Qualifications Directive. The instrument was introduced in 2005 and adapted in 2013. Due to be implemented on 18 January 2016, the directive’s transposition apparently leaves much to be desired. On 7 March 2019 the Commission issued a large number of infringement proceedings against the Member States for having incorrectly transposed the directive.
Maastricht University (UM) proudly presents its 1stInternational Staff Week (ISW). This ISW is aimed at international colleagues from our partner universities in the YERUN and WUN networks, as well as at colleagues from other partner universities.
Read UM's response to 'Forum voor Democratie's' initiative to start a tipline for leftist indoctrination at school.
Soul kitchen: a peek inside the kitchens of UM employees
Bakir Bulić, director of the Faculty of Science and Engineering, still remembers being smuggled across the border from Germany to a refugee centre in Zeewolde when he was eight years old. He and his father, mother and sister Sabina were fleeing the Bosnian War. “The only thing I could think about at that moment was my mum’s veal schnitzel and mash. The thought comforted me, gave me something to hold on to.” -
Gijs van Dijck and Marcel Schaper, together with colleagues from IDS and two of our students, applied last year for funding of education innovation within a course at the NRO. They just received news that their application is granted and that they can start with the project.
As of 1 April 2019, Steef M. Bartman will be appointed Professor of Corporate Group Liability within the faculty. The chair is part of the Private Law department.