Today, the Advisory Committee van Rijn published the report ‘Changing direction; towards transparent and balanced funding and more cooperation in higher education and research’.
Call for Papers: Imagining the Future of Digital Archives and Collections, Stedelijk Studies #10
The Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences will start a new Bachelor's programme "Digital Society" in September 2019.
Een interview door Wesley Jongen voor de reeks 'De Ph-waarde van Limburg'
The Province of Limburg, Maastricht UMC+ and Maastricht University (UM) are jointly investing €20 million in a new research institute, called BReIN (Brightlands e-Infrastructure for Neurohealth). The spiritual father of BReIN is Maastricht professor of Environmental Health, Jos Kleinjans.
On 14 May 14 at 11.00, the Minervalia, the oldest comedy printed in Maastricht, will be officially welcomed in the Dominicans bookstore, where it is exhibited until 21 July.
Thursday 9 May 2019 Marieke Hopman successfully defended her PhD thesis entitled: 'Looking at law through children's eyes'.
On Wednesday 8 May, an innovative project to improve cross-border cooperation was launched by Flemish Prime Minister Bourgeois and State Secretary Knops. This project investigates how permits, procedures and other relevant regulations can be better coordinated in order to stimulate cross-border infrastructure. The initiative was supported by an initial inventory of the situation of North Sea Port, a merged Belgian-Dutch company. ITEM had been commissioned by the Province of Zeeland and the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations to look into the company's legal bottlenecks.
Video-report on the highly interactive workshop with participants from Fontys and LIOF.
Internships during the master’s in Medicine: a great, but also intensive and challenging time. Medical interns discuss their progress with a mentor and workplace supervisor. Since this academic year, they also have reflective meetings with other interns. No judgement, no hierarchy. Peer coaching, in other words – also known as ‘intervision’.