The Netherlands Heart Foundation (Hartstichting) announced today its plan to invest six million euros in an innovative treatment method for patients with acute stroke.
February the 16th 2016 Prof. dr. Marjan Peeters has delivered a lunch lecture on Climate Law at the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment.
MCEL member Elise Muir was being heard by the Committee on Petitions of the European Parliament on February 23rd.
This year, the buildings 1 & 4 will be prepared for accommodating startup companies and AMIBM (Aachen-Maastricht Institute for Biobased Materials). The current users (DSM ACES and DBIS) have already moved to other offices and facilities (or they will shortly) and a major renovation of these buildings will take place this year.
Dear student, We are back!
MCEL member and Assistant Professor in EU law dr. Maja Brkan has published two new peer reviewed articles:
In February’s MCEL PhD Forum researcher Matteo Bonelli gave a presentation entitled ‘A Rule of Law crisis in Poland? Developments and EU’s Reaction’
Researchers have succeeded in making the mechanisms that regulate tissue regeneration in the gut visible. This discovery provides new insights into how stem cells function and offers tie-ins for future research into regenerative medicine and treatments for cancer.
The history of tax treaties is a useful resource for the interpretation of the OECD Model Tax Convention on Income and Capital, and tax treaties based on the OECD Model.
Article by Lies Wesseling in Dutch newspaper Trouw