The collective health care insurance contract with CZ will be continued for the year 2016.
Marketing-Finance student Edo Heijnen has won the very prestigious 2015 AFM Thesis Award. His work was titled "Student Loans and Spending Behavior" and was supervised by Dr. Arvid Hoffmann.
Dr Mindel van de Laar (UNU-MERIT) received a financial contribution from the WUN Research Development Fund for the Community of Learning for Africa (COLA) project.
On 11 December 2015, Vigjilenca Abazi successfully defended her doctoral thesis entitled ‘Secrecy and Oversight in the European Union: The Law and Practice of Classified Information’ conducted at University of Amsterdam under the promotion of Professor Deirdre Curtin.
Enkele medewerkers hebben op zondag 20 december het Glazen Huis in Heerlen bezocht om € 10.000,- te overhandigen aan Serious Request.
South Limburg carries out high-quality research on colon cancer thanks largely to the strict quality standards that gastroenterologists must comply with. This was one of the conclusions of a study conducted by Chantal le Clercq, research assistant at Maastricht UMC+, on improving exploratory research on colon cancer.
Some parts of our brain that process sound have a subsequent area for each pitch, with successive pitches processed one after the other like the keys on a piano.
Rheumatologist Marloes van Onna of Maastricht UMC+ carried out her doctoral research on improving the recognition of ankylosing spondylitis.
Dr. Elhaseen Elamin Maastricht Universitair Medisch Centrum (MUMC) / NUTRIM ontvangt de Career Development Grant voor zijn onderzoek waarin hij mini-darmen gaat kweken uit stamcellen van patiënten met de ziekte van Crohn.
Gijs Goossens (Department of Human Biology) has been awarded the prestigious Senior Fellowship 2015 from the Dutch Diabetes Research Foundation for the project 'Intermittent hypoxia exposure: a novel strategy to improve insulin sensitivity in humans'.