The highlight of the Maastricht art scene is TEFAF (The European Fine Art Fair), the annual March event that draws hundreds of high-end dealers and collectors and thousands of visitors to the city from all over the world. This year, the same week saw another – smaller – group of international visitors break new ground: the first cohort of the Executive Master in Cultural Leadership.
At Maastricht University’s School of Business and Economics (SBE), our academics regularly carry out research that has a direct impact on society. Today, we sit down with one of these academics: Professor Antoon Pelsser who regularly contributes to the nation-wide debate surrounding pension funds in the Netherlands.
Jacco de Vries wins prize for best thesis at the Large Hadron Collider from CERN.
The third report of the ITEM/ICGI project on ‘Cross-Border Corporate Mobility in the EU’ has now been published. The report builds upon the earlier reporting on cross-border corporate activity and features a comprehensive country-by-country reporting to provide a fuller picture of cross-border company mobility in the EU.
UM-led Young Universities for the Future of Europe (YUFE) is one of just 12 alliances of European universities selected by the European Commission to develop and implement the first models for a European University.
Young Universities for the Future of Europe (YUFE) is one of just 17 alliances of European universities selected by the European Commission to develop and implement the first models for a European University.
Micah Vandegrift lives and works in Raleigh, North Carolina. He visited Maastricht University Library as a Fulbright-Schuman innovation fellow and stayed with us for 5 months between October 2018 and February 2019. His wife and two young children accompanied him to Maastricht and beyond.
Gezondheid op school is meer dan fruit uitdelen of een beweegactiviteit opzetten. Het gaat om ‘lekker in je vel zitten’ en om zaken als veiligheid en respectvol met elkaar omgaan. Maar vooral: een systematische aanpak die alles met elkaar in verband brengt. In een interview met ZonMw vertelt Maria Jansen over de evaluatie van de Gezonde School-aanpak.
Maastricht University’s delegation secured a silver medal in this year’s Econometric Game in Amsterdam. To appease fans frustrated by the lack of mainstream media coverage, we asked one of their number, Lea Bottmer, to tell us more.